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Codice civile e di procedura civile HOEPLI - online version (1 year)

Codice civile e di procedura civile HOEPLI - online version (1 year)
Codice civile e di procedura civile HOEPLI - online version (1 year)
ISBN: 978-88-9353-043-9
24.80 €
incl. 4% VAT [?]
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The database:
[version: 2025.1]
• Italian Civil code and complementary laws
• Italian Civil Proceedings code and complementary laws
• Italian Constitution and European Union treaties

The search software:
[versione: 1.1.25.hpcc]
• Search by keywords (heading and subheadings of laws and code books, and articles titles)
• Full-text search
• Search by deed references (deed number, year, and article number)
• Possibily of search limitation based on the type of deed
• Use of metacharacters and logical operators
• Instant search of every word inside the text of an article

Codice civile e di procedura civile Hoepli is also avalaible in the downloadable versionfor just 29.80 €TRY! - BUY!
Codice civile e di procedura civile Hoepli is also avalaible in the downloadable version
for just 29.80 €

You can buy the Codice civile e di procedura civile Hoepli in the online + downloadable versionsfor just 34.80 €!TRY! - BUY!
You can buy the Codice civile e di procedura civile Hoepli in the online + downloadable versions
for just 34.80 €!

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