Enciclopedia dell'Economia Garzanti
This is the ultimate tool needed to understand the language of economics and finance, useful to get one's bearing between spreads, ratings, defaults, national debts, exchange rates, especially in these years of crisis. Among the entries: economists, from Adam Smith to Paul Krugman; economic theories, from Mercantilism to Physiocracy, from classical economics to Marginalism, from Keynes' teachings to the Public Choice school; history and geography of economic development, from the industrial revolution up to globalization.
• more than 4300 entries written by specialsts
• a great number of external links to documents with statistical data, diagrams, and charts
• a circuit of 4400 crossreferences between entries
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• Use of wild-card characters and logical operators
• Instant search of every word within an entry
• An Internet connection is needed to access the external documents