Enciclopedia dell'Antichità Classica Garzanti
A complete overview of Greek and Latin civilizations, touching every side: from Pericles to Augustus, and from Aeschylus to Lucretius, the whole history, with prominent figures, places and peoples, traditions, religion and myths, language and literature, theatre and music, philosophy and science, art, architecture, and archaeology: an alphabetical and interdisciplinary reference, essential to approach the classical culture. Entries span over a time period from the origins of the Cretan and Mycenaean civilizations up to the decline of the Roman Empire, and over a geographical span
of the same size: Greece and the Greek colonies, Etruscans and Rome, all other civilizations in the Mediterranean area, Near East, India, Egypt, the Judaic world, the ancient Italic, Celtic, and Germanic peoples.
• more than 8500 entries written by specialists
• places and dates of birth for each figure
• dating of literary, philosophical, and artistic works
• special pages with thematical widenings
• chronological tables of Greek and Roman history
• genealogical tables
• historical and thematic atlas
• 250 summaries of key works of the written tradition
• a circuit of 5200 crossreferences between entries
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